My son created this video over three years ago. I love seeing my old workshop and my best friend "Archie" 0:20 who went to be with the LORD during the summer of 2018. Please visit my website Inquiries:
1. You can tune it any way you want/need to 2. You can use any style strings you like. (Nylon, acoustic, steel) 3. Super easy to play (one finger power chords) 4. Tune to an open chord and use a slide. 5. incorporate various pick ups (piezos, mic's, magnetic, etc)
3 hour Time lapse of a Cigar BoxBuild: Starting with tool overview. Start by measuring and cutting the maple neck and notching for the headstock and box lid....
I figured I should put together a comprehensive builders "Master Class" rather than just post random tips and tricks videos and build tutorials. This video s...
In this lesson I talk about the basics for playing "Blues style" music (tricks/ tips/ techniques) 1. Tuning EBE 2. Timing (Swinging the rhythm) 3. Names of the notes and chords 4. 12 barre blues pattern 5.. The Blues Scale 6. Slurring your thirds 7. Stick to the Lick
Nearly all modern music is composed and performed in 12-TET, and music theory is almost presented that way as well. Just intonation, when mentioned at all, is often treated as a historical footnote. This isn't to say that all modern music rigidly conforms to equal temperament; instruments with contiuous pitch (voice, violin, trombone, fretless bass, etc..)
This video is specifically for the newbie ... if you're an advanced player or even an intermediate level player, this video is not for you. This is a simple ...
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